Wednesday, November 15, 2006

soul mate says :
1. a person with whom one has a strong affinity.
2. One of two persons compatible with each other in disposition, point of view, or sensitivity.

have you ever found someone with whom you like at first sight? share alot of same tots? love the same things? feel the same way? alot of the times..?

if yes, i suppose you would be one of the few lucky ones who found your soul mate..

a wise friend (yes, i have alot of very wise friends) once told me, the fact that you have the chance to cross path is already a great thing.. afterall, there are billions and trillions of people in this world.. what are the chances that you would meet this person... and actually have something to say to this person... AND actually have a reason to meet up with the person again... AND have the opportunity to build a friendship???!!

not only that, but share the same tots and feel the same way about alot of things???!!!!!!!

cherish them... and do not take things for granted~


Anonymous said...

i think i found found mine...


pohchin said...

who who??? is it the one who is almost perfect... and only need to be 5 inches too short... can fix one... in china can fix...

pohchin said...

i mean need to be 5 inches taller.. :)

Anonymous said...

I wonder will he do it for me or i should stop wearing heels instead...which seems to be a better solution??


pohchin said...

the malays believe if short hubby, tall wife, u get lots of money... i say... lose the heels! kakakakkakaak

pohchin said...

on a more serious note, if he's worth it... why not? u look fine without heels anyways!

Anonymous said...

Hm....i'll try...maybe