Saturday, November 18, 2006

enlightened... yet again

yean said ... "we should not let little things bother us; if we do, we'll just end up being angry bitter pricks"

true true...

he continues ... "we should let little things pass, but then again, don't let other ppl step all over u ler" ...

as teik lee always said, air yang tenang jangan disangka tiada buaya (calm water don't think don't have crocodiles). i suppose as time passes by, all of us would have mellowed down a little. we let the little things pass. but don't ever think to test our limits. letting little things pass and being forgiving are two separate things all together!


Anonymous said...

You really seems annoyed...
Who is the chicken shit?

pohchin said...

lol... u farnier in NY than when u were here...