my next year's resolution : to attain "lui yan mei". direct translation for "lui yan mei" would be women's scent! not literally of course... i do intend to take my bath daily... now, how do you define "lui yan mei"?
it's grace, it's class, it's feminine, it's gentle, it's soft, it's what makes you take a second look, it's all about being a woman, it's womanliness...
it does not necessarily mean long hair, it does not mean being dependent, it does not mean dousing oneself with perfume, it does not mean wearing dresses...
some people have it when they grow older... others seem to be born with it... some never ever attain it...
karina lau (hong kong actress) now has it. i think angelina jolie has it. most people seem to get it after giving birth...
i have no idea how i am going to achieve it. i suppose i'll be looking out for role models?? do let me know if you know what i'm talking about... and if you know of somebody i can take as role model... and if you have any idea how i can attain it...
Usually, as you mature, the "lui yan mei" starts to blossom. I have a friend who says that when a woman turns 30, "lui yan mei" will start to kick in. That's why he finds older women more attractive...Older women seem to have the "aura" that makes men attracted to them
Usually, as you mature, the "lui yan mei" starts to blossom. I have a friend who says that when a woman turns 30, "lui yan mei" will start to kick in. That's why he finds older women more attractive...Older women seem to have the "aura" that makes men attracted to them
well all women are born with all that, except maybe class...
actually you have to polish this elements of being a lui yan mei..
to be graceful involves behaviour mostly
to be classy involves behaviour, character and attitude
to be feminine you have to be a woman, girl or a lady... not metrosexual male
to be gentle is a physical attribute
to be soft is an emotional and at times physical attribute
and to get a second look you just have to look good... not everyone is born good looking but everyone can look good!
even if you have all of the above, its still not all about being a woman...
well you have to become a mother, a sister, a daughter, an aunty, a achi, an asoh or even a makcik...
bearing a child is the completion of womanliness........
anyway if u dunno where to start...
first close down this blog !!!!!!
close down this blog!!!!
because to be graceful you can't have too much to say or publish in public....
you have to know what to say when to say and how to say it...
thats the art of being graceful!
I guess i should really bring you go see AT's so-called-gf...maybe you will have a rough idea what this thingy of lui yan mei is all about...maybe i'm wrong about her...but she does always make a few head turns whenever she drops by to see AT....
Well, u go girl. YOu already got 'lui yan mei'. There's nothing wrong with you, just be confident and be yourself, u will do fine...Unless you are not satisfied with yourself.
thanks keat!! you are such a dear!! :) i'm not quite satisfied... but i've recently been given some tips on how i can gain somemore "lui yan mei", will be working on it. wish me luck!
Cant even begin to fathom what's lacking in you, that you have to embark on this journey to seek womanliness.
You're all there, girl. A woman as a woman should be. Sophisticated when you need to, demure and coy at moments, feminine and gentle mostly.
Give thanks for what you have..
so nice.....
speechless liao....
if i have all that, i'm thankful. but i suppose there is always room for improvement? shall still work on it! :)
Ujin aka Master of Vocab - very insightful....
PC - demure and coy.... certainly sounds like you eh.
I say 'lui yan mei', literally translating to 'female fragrance/smell' ah? (coming from a non Cantonese speaking person) is:
1) Having fleshy boobs! hehe
2) Having that cute little tummy flesh
3) Sparkly eyes (like yours)
4) Confident lui yan mei aura (haha...essentially the whole lui yan mei package)
No need to work to have loads of it one. If it's there, it's there and if it is, then it'll grow on ya. Or maybe you'll grow into it (as Nanny's theory).
But, you, you defn woman enough!
u have plenty of (1), enough of (2), truckloads of (3) and definitely (4)....
i dun have (1), i think i'm developing (2) - though i'm not sure if it's cute!, i sometimes have (3) - especially when i'm sleepy... and i'm trying to get (4)...
(Jaimie, 29, mother of kristie and kaylie)
Lui yan mei is : -
1. Confidence.
2. Unselfishness.
3. Been through alot.
4. Know when to speak.
5. Gone through that "trying to impress people" stage.
6. Gone through that "wanna have perfect face, perfect body, perfect etc" phase.
7. Mature.
8. Respects older people.
9. Imperfect.
10. Accepts imperfections about herself.
Note 1: PC, apart from No 6. You basically have it all.
Note 2 : as for whether the giving birth completes the womanliness.. mmpphhh.... don't think so.
It's 1140pm Christmast eve. My daughters are sleeping, and I have interrupted my husband (38 years old) and forced him to tell me what is lui yan mei to him. He just said this,
1. Beautiful inside and outside, doesn't know it, doesn't know how to flaunt it, doesn't know how to use it. He likes Renee Zellweger.
Conclusion : Well to attract older responsible men, I think the physical part is so out of style already. Boobs and buns? Come on. Look deeper into yourselves. You are more than skin displays. (after all your body will go through those irreversible expansion once pregnant!) Men are eventually fed up with perfect images of women and are now in quest for real woman, confident woman, woman who accepts herself and put others ahead of her (PC has nothing to worry about). I was told that for a guy, there is a specification for the GF type and the WIFE type. (read : the not marrying type and marrying type).
Which one you wanna be?
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