Monday, November 13, 2006

2 new people in the world

today... within the span of one hour... i was told about 2 new people in this world

1) sebastian theron goh (daddy : terence, mommy : saint) born 7-11-2006
his pictures should be available in no time in


2) Joshua Leong Kar Jun (daddy : Edwin, mommy : Cara) born 9-11-2006, 7 lb 11 oz (3.505 kgs) at Royal London Hospital by C-sec at 12:35pm.

congratulations to everybody!! hats off to the mommies and daddies for all efforts put in to bring these two cuties into the world..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Cara, congratulations on the new arrival. I am Jaimie, your friend briefly at Taylor’s. Not sure if you could remember me. Anyway since Poh Chin is such a great friend of mine and you are her good friend, I will like to offer some unsolicited advice on the new arrival. I am sure that your life will never be the same anymore.(and from now on I am sure you will find a lot of experienced mothers who will be able to give you tips every now and then, it’s called the United Mothers of The World, we speak the same language and we felt compelled to share our experiences as mothers. Welcome on board). I hope you do have some help over there to help you with the very least, the house chores. And I was told that they do not practice confinement there. I hope that you at least have observed some confinement rules, like lots of ginger, dome, lots a fluid etc.

After having 2 C-sections in Feb 2003 and Aug 2004 due to medical reasons, I would like to give you some advise.

1. BREAST FEED. That it is totally possible to breast feed the baby up to full 1 year without an ounce of formula. You can afford that since maternity leave is at least 6 months.
(my personal experience, I had to go back to work after 2 months my baby was born, yeap sucky Malaysian law who thinks that the working mothers are not worth that extra days of rest and nurturing the future leaders. Anyway, that did not deter me from expressing milk and my baby was on pure breast milk for first 6 months of her life without an ounce of water / other solids). If you are interested in breastfeeding tips I am able to assist you. It doesn’t have to be tough.

2. EXERCISE. C section wounds takes at least 4 months to heal. Don’t listen to doctors when they say you can exercise after 6 weeks of operation. I too (like all new mums who want to lunge into fitness regime to loose stubborn fat) started exercising 6 weeks after delivery but it proved too much for my body to handle. Best is 3-4 months after the C-section.

3. ENJOY THE BABY. The first few months of the baby’s life will really throw you off every schedule and details that you have planned. My advise is don’t plan for anything. Just follow the baby’s schedule, and don’t feel guilty if you haven’t achieve much what you have set to do each day. It’s suppose to be that way. Get rid of the guilt, and enjoy the baby, even though those unscheduled cries has tempted you to smother him. Been there done that.

4. RELAX. Get as much rest as possible. House chores can go undone for a while now. The main thing is for you to rest and breast feed.

5. PREGNANCY WEIGHT. Well you won’t be able to fit into those jeans for at least 6 months. I gained 25 kilos during my last pregnancy and after 1 year I still had 8 kilos to shed. I had terrible low self esteem but eventually started to make time for exercise (didn’t have time when I was breastfeeding 100% for 1 year). But then after 2 years, just recently managed to shed another 6 kilos. So I have only 2 kilos to loose compared to my wedding weight. And my jeans are looser now. So take your time. It’s a small sacrifice to pay to look hideous for 1 – 2 years.

6. SPACE YOUR PREGNANCY. Well if you are opting for VBAC (Vaginal birth After Caesarean), wait at least until your son is 2 years old. I missed my boat as I have my eldest daughter was only 9 months old when I conceived the second time around. I still believe that vaginal birth will make you loose weight faster, on top of breast feeding and exercise.

7. CHILL OUT with your husband. Have some time off with your hubby every now and then. And don’t feel guilty about it. It’s normal for couples to have less communication when the addition to the family takes a toll on your sleep and health and energy, but do make time for your husband and make sure he makes time for you.

8. DO YOGA. Yoga does wonders to your energy that you especially need during the baby’s first few years of life. Yoga is not strenuous, it stretches your muscle and increase blood flow to all over your body, offering some invigorating experience for your health and sanity.

That is all mummy. Well if you need to know anything more, do reply to this comment.