none of my friends have submitted postings for my blog as per my request. so i suppose my quest to make this blog more "me" through them is futile. i suppose it does explain why i am one of world's biggest procrastinator.
so, here is my attempt at writing - at a more personal level.
... after having stared at the screen for a good 5 minutes. i still do not know how to start. so, i suppose i'll just type as i go along? i don't normally tell a lot things to a lot of people. i guess this would help you understand why it's so difficult for me to write really personal postings. why don't i tell? maybe there is a certain extent of inferiority complex... since i usually don't think people would be all that entertained/ interested to know more about me. that sounds too pathetic and now i'm irritated with myself!! i have low tolerance for people who are too pessimistic and have low self esteem. but somehow i allow myself that "luxury?" to behave as such. this is not going right and i am wondering if i should publish this. coz it's beginning to sound like too much self bashing. sigh. this is difficult...
let's see... what should my readers know about me?
i am 30, single, ready to be found (as i refused to search!!! kakakakakaka... tot that was funny :)), studied acca, did audit in pwc/IT-accounting in prudential services asia, now doing sales of medical devices in medan khas (yes, i deal with doctors; no, i do not have a doctor boyfriend), play tennis, like fishing (just the casting, waiting and reeling in part of it), gym (coz i put on weight super easily), don't watch tv, spend most of my time yam-ing cha with friends and clients, have cheap taste in food (don't like raw food/ oysters/ geoduck/ foie gras), don't eat internal organs, love potatoes, like foosball, love chick flicks and chick lit, would really like to do rally one day but my left and right is so screwed it'll probably be the last thing i do, am analytical, a little bit too analytical i am told, therefore not sensitive and most of the times don't have much of what you call "gut feel!", but thankfully, am still able to tell if the person i meet gives good/ bad vibes, used to love dogs, now i don't mind playing with them, dislike cats, tortoises are cute when small, like fierce looking cars (the kind which you would move to the left lane when you see them approaching from the rearview mirror), would like to have my own business, like naf naf, love shopping, have bad memory, like nutella, m&m, rum and raisins, have sweet tooth, was staying in subang jaya, now in puchong, studies in srk subang jaya, sm subang jaya, a levels in taylors, acca in sunway/ ftms/ systematic, part time work in i & j, scuba dived in 1996, stopped coz my dive buddy went back to holland and i entered pwc, have one brother, one sister in law, both in dubai, one mother and one father, like funny people (as in my kind of sense of humour), love pictionary, and suddenly i stopped thinking and so i suppose i have to continue when i think of something to write.
that's quite alot of information. all unfiltered. so, i hope this will satisfy some of the critics out there. i am quite impressed that i managed to think so fast. after all, i like to believe that i do type pretty fast!!
to be continued when tots flow again...
any questions? :)
Chin up girl :). If I had known u earlier, I would have found u already ;)
KAKAKAKAKAKAKKAKA.... good to know!
i am wondering how i can track these "anonymouses"?????
That's the beauty of anonymous. It allows shy persons like myself to speak out without feeling rejected :).
Kawan, a little caution when divulging personal history about yourself to the world.
This has got to be the best article in your blog so far! Easy reading and understanding too. Keep it up! Also, not that we know your history, can we see some cute pics of you during your younger days.... such as the pic from your driver's licence?
see... i told you that you will get lots of comments when you post something more personal.... congratulations! finally you opened the door :) btw, keep it open ya...
(jaimie) She forgets to add that she is extremely tall, extremely pretty, popular with guys and gals, loves people, people loves her... and very very likeable.
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