Wednesday, November 22, 2006

so happy!~~

i'm so happpiiii !!! that i have 139 hits liao.... counter was on since 2 Nov 2006.. that's 21 days! that's an average of 6.6 hits per day. with aggressive advertising and by word of mouth... i'll soon be at 4000 hits per day! i also have a total of 58 comments for 45 postings... that's 1.3 comments per posting! soon it'll be 7 comments per posting! (see? not greedy)

they say, you won't achieve what you don't measure!! so, here's to number crunching!


Anonymous said...

Targetting 4000 hits a day???? Girl, why settle for so little? Think big!!!!!!!! Hehe

pohchin said...

i'm not greedy...