Saturday, November 18, 2006

chicken shits i dislike alot alot

i dislike very very much, people who are chicken shit... i think courage is a very important trait. one should be brave enough to go for what they want, one should be brave enough to confront a situation, one should be brave enough to own up to what one did, one should be brave enough to speak the truth, brave enough to face the consequences...

please slap me silly the next time you feel i have displayed traits of a coward...


UjinYee said...

Courage is a gift. There's no one in this forsaken place that has none of it and expects to get it.

No, will not slap if the traits come up. Can't blame a person for not having the courage to do the right thing. After all, if men were that forthright, why do we keep those darn politicians around?

pohchin said...

i think courage is inborne... one just need to gather it and use it! i think it's a matter of training one self...

Anonymous said...

Who is that chicken shit?

pohchin said...

got ler....

Anonymous said...

slapping is being just too kind. string them up, quarter them, put them in the guillotine, hang them, shoot them, .... man ....... haha just releasing stress..
PS: hate it when i am named anonymous