Monday, November 20, 2006

boobs and taugeh

for the record... this observation was made a couple of years back. but this topic came up again when a friend said "chinese girls seems to have bigger boobs nowadays!"...

NOT! not unless they are from Ipoh that is! ever noticed how ipoh girls (generally) have bigger boobs and fairer skin??

it's the taugehs (the short and fat and juicy taugehs, which another friend swears is attributable to the water in Ipoh!!)


Anonymous said...

But but it's true..the taugeh is due to the water. And the water is due to the fact that Ipoh is a valley. And hence the water is perfect for the taugeh to grow and voila we get juicy and fat taugeh.
Now, boobs may work with the same concept too! Hehe...but, what do I know...I'm born in Johore!!

Anonymous said...

Ipoh has abundance (kinda) of limestone hills, therefore the water there has limestone minerals.. hence the folklore of Ipoh gals with fairer and smoother skin.... boobs on the other hand... not sure about this. Now, think back a little, limestone contains lots of calcium....

pohchin said...

kekeke.. sel, u stayed in Ipoh.... u know ALL about this!~

Anonymous said...

I came into PC's blog,... with great expectation of thought provoking, mind boggling, soul-searching topics, deep discourses here and there and i saw this posting.......................................................................................... hmmmm love it ;)

Anonymous said...

Thee kit above yah.... no blog and
website so must be anonymous ah?

pohchin said...

thanks for leaving comment dearie!! i think if no blog, u can still use "lain lain"... afterall, they said the fields are optional..

Anonymous said...

I shall travel to Ipoh more often and will buy more taugeh back...... and sell... Soon in 5-10 years all KL chickies will have boobies like Ipoh-kias. wohoo