Saturday, April 05, 2008

Saturday night post


Snicker-stained fingers, by *Snicker*

Writing has always had a profound effect. Somehow I find putting thoughts into unspoken words is so much more effective than saying it aloud. Possibly it is the shroud of anonymity, a barrier that is so safe, you could write anything, and not wonders if it’s coming out right.

Then again, a command of the language is a major discouragement to many people. I’ve seen those that wrote a perfectly innocent sentence, only to spark off a row and arguments, to the extent of getting personal.

SO what happens if out of the blue (or green, or pink) you’re asked to write something, anything. All of a sudden, the train of thought slips the mind, right? That’s what I face now.

I’m sitting in my bedroom, AC turned way down low, so low that it can freeze balls and grow icicles. And the web’s tuned to a radio station from back home, making me feel nostalgic and homesick all at the same time. And I’m munching on a Snickers bar (ad alert!) at 10pm at night, just so I feel less sorry for myself for wasting my Saturday night away. Not that there’s much to do anyway. Cable’s not exactly entertaining me at present. The web’s a good distraction, though I’ve seen what I want, read what I missed. So what’s next?

Oh, I’m getting a new toy soon. No revealing here, cos it’s going to be featured on my site. A good distraction, though somehow I can’t shake that nagging feeling that it’ll be shelved in no time once I’m bored. I deserved it. Who cares? That’s why we work so hard. I quote from Eureka “Life – Dream = Job”. I’m doing a Job alright. But I’m living it up, so it’s not that bad a job. Can’t figure out the dream part though….


Terry said...

I have Mamee stains on mine :)

pohchin said...

where are uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?????? i'm bored....