Saturday, April 05, 2008

growing old is no fun

a friend said "growing old is boring affair"

i think we grow old all the time. have been doing that since the coming into this world. but why does it get boring after awhile?

let's look back a little bit. what did we use to do for fun? when we were babies, i suppose our parents provided adequate entertainment. when we were teenagers, we do what we can do without a car.

then we get our drivers' license :)

that was the beginning of a whole new world.

we go out. we meet friends. we interacted.

then some fall in love, get married, have babies. now, that, is again, another whole new world. ppl stop going out. coz they have fulfilled their subconscious goals to perpetuate their genes.

then some who still want to go out will feel bored. coz no "kaki".

so, ... we are not bored because we are older. we are bored because not many ppl go out anymore.


Terry said...

That's pretty myopic ain't it?

pohchin said...

myopic... maybe...

you wanna provide another reason why ppl think growing old is boring????

Terry said...

i don't think everyone thinks growing old is boring, hence i think its pretty myopic to think that way.

UjinYee said...

It's so cause we tend to be a teeny weeny bit more serious. Guess knowing too much of right from wrong ain't healthy for the fun factor.

pohchin said...

lol... ok then... anybody out there who never felt bored growing old???