Thursday, April 10, 2008

black hippo

i met the b%#$* of the year today. an obesed pea-brained she-blob of lard who totally spoiled my evening. thankfully i am able to limit her impact to a whole 1 hour. what a total waste of 1 hour.

anyway, why? well, she once again, highlighted that respect is truly earned. i suppose there is a certain amount of respect granted by default if one has a title, designation, is old, etc.

but that is easily lost. how? by talking about something without throughly understanding it, by trying to assert authority via the most ridiculously menial way possible, by not respecting other ppl, .....


Anonymous said...

The obese pea-brained-she-blob of lard......tell her...if she doesn't know how to respect others.....e.g. behaving like a total b****h in front of you...go back to tak chek ka??

Respect is earned...not by bitching around earning it. Respect every individual as who the are....

If she is the type of O-O dat i have always classified as retarded....then there's nothing much you can do as she's beyond help.

Ignore her....cause you getting angry with her action will make her happier as she might have thought she managed to catch your attention after all....

Dun layan this kinda lard.....treat her as a piece of dusk...or worst fungi....


The Goddess of No Mercy....

Terry said...

Don`t bother too much about such individuals. They are not worth the effort wasting time for.

A message from Tokyo.