Monday, April 28, 2008

looking for wishes...

boredom has set in... yet again. recurring. chronic. terminal!!!! aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggggggghhhh can't see a pattern. nor a trigger. so meaning no hope of cure in sight...

then... friends came in the picture and have prescribed a treatment... and my boredom has been diagnosed to be, apparently, unique!!! now i have been given, what is called, a wish list. i suppose i'll just have to figure out what i want to do before i die..! and in this cute little book, there is a sticker which says..."If in doubt, follow your heart". but i think i have somehow managed to analysed everything to death, and right now seemed a little bit incapable of doing just that.

so, ppl, need your help. if i have ever said i want/ wish for something (material/ otherwise), pls refresh my memory...

p/s: i do remember i wanted a lamborghini.... and a superbike.... and very recently a silvia... lol :)


Anonymous said...

Oh ya...let me b the first to tell ya! U wanted to set up ur own business..(with me being the Event Director) haha :P
U want to take up PCE & ILLE exam!
errr..err, to be update again! time to zzz...hehehe ;-)

Anonymous said...

maybe you should consider that meditation class... it might help you think clearer... who knows?

Unknown said...

1- take up insurance exam
2 - to be 'chased' :D
3 - maybe u should start sketching stuff/clothes to fill up your time, sketch shoes/accessories, etc

volunteer work????

lil book - pda a better choice? :D