Sunday, April 15, 2007

another very "chim" question...

a friend asked just yesterday "would you marry somebody you don't fully love?"

wah... the question is so super "chim"... so difficult to answer!

but first question is define "fully love"... how do you know you really love somebody? that itself is very difficult to determine... da fella which seems to have an answer for everything, though sometimes not very convincing answers, says it's when you love somebody flaws and all (not in those words, but something to that effect)... love the person so much, you can overlook their flaws. when the person, flaws and all, is perfect...

so next question... "perfect" ? is there such a thing? or is that word made to define something not achievable?

so many questions in a question!!!

but i had always thought that relationships are ever dynamic... always cyclical. so yea... it might seem perfect at times... but "the biggest mistake in your life" at others. so, the answer would be.. i would marry the fella if at the very moment he asks, it seems perfect! kakakakakaa..... so it's all, again, a matter of timing...

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