Saturday, June 02, 2007


my first weekend in june 07... woke up at 9:32am, ironed clothes. then came upstairs to check if streamyx have made my modem's ADSL light blink. and they fixed it! finally!! would love to bitch about streamyx... but if i do, i would probably have to start a label especially for them....

so, checked emails and then thought of blogging. about three of us (may, de and i) going to baskin robbins, USJ, just 2 nights ago to get the 31% discount! have never done that before. but you wouldn't believe the crowd!!!!!!!!!! it was like being in an mng sale. only the guys and kids there were a lot happier. we managed to obtain angka giliran of 709... and they were serving 650 something. so we were outside considering alternatives. how about "tong sui"? we decided to walk up the road to the van that's normally parked outside of 7eleven selling all sorts of "tong sui". and it was MISSING! the one day we decided to give it a try... ok, their loss... we walked back towards BR and on the way, we stopped by and had 3 sticks of fatman steamboat... such an easy money making concept...

back in BR, they were serving 690 something. so, we waited. after having tested a couple of hundred flavours (ok.. there were only 31... and we tried approx 4-5 flavours), we settled on run and raisin!! the yummiest flavour on earth. bought 1 pint each... (may bought 2)... and we stood outside eating ice cream. that was fun! :)

as i was saying.. wanting to blog, and take a picture of the ice cream (yes, there are some left coz i wanted mom to have some and she hasn't gotten around to it yet... and if she procrastinate further, there wouldn't be any left by end of the day)... but i was too lazy to go downstairs, get the camera, take the picture of the ice cream, go upstairs and upload it to the blog. kakakakkaakkakakakka... one is suppose to be lazy every saturday afternoon.

so, instead of blogging, i called my hairdresser... getting a haircut is an excellent cure to boredom... unfortunately, she was busy... so, i got myself slotted at 1pm tomorrow. will i still get a hair cut? depends... on whether i'm still bored tomorrow.

then, i started calling my friends... the ones who usually layan me when i'm bored brainless :) (teng kiu ppl, very much appreciated!!) ... may was in ikea, ming fong was getting a hair cut, jenn was in klcc and another jenn was in her "weekend villa", watching tv!! non of them bored!!! second jenn offered to go out... but i didn't want her to go out just coz i am bored... i want her to go out coz she really really wanted to go out with me!!! kakakakakakakaaakak.... "prove your sincerity"...she went "i'm not a ta po... if i'm a ta po going after you then i'll prove my sincerity"... "since i'm a cha bo, i offered.. if dun wan, then fine!!!" ..... "oooooooooooo..... how mean.... i'll blog about it.. kakakakakakkaka"

so, there i am, blogging my saturday afternoon away... oh... msg from jenn2 saying "hey... let me know if you wanna go out ya... call me after you have blog about my evilish attitude" ... kakakakkaa

should i call?? probably... dun feel like reading. just feel like sitting in a cafe, talk c@#k.. and while away the time... shopping? maybe... gym?? too constructive for a saturday afternoon... so lazy....SIGH. so hot... and i have to get out of the house. into the hot hot car... see how ler...

i wanna go bbq, by the beach, listen to the waves, feel the breeze, watch the stars, toast marshmallows.... anybody interested? last weekend of july?

ok. done whining... again :)...


Pooh said...

Follow Nike's advice - Just Do It.

Anonymous said...

I tried a lot of Baskin robins flavours, and I also think rum and raisin is the best flavour!


Anonymous said...

ooppss...sorry, my memory getting wife just told me it's hagen daz icecream that we had...

Anonymous said... really blog about my evilish act...i like more! ;-)
