Monday, June 11, 2007


we were at food foundry just the other day... yummy food at section 17... and the table adjacent to ours comprise of approximately 20 people, out of which 3 were guys! so i said... looking at the trend, women will probably evolve to become asexual!!! (my two other friends looked at me for a moment, and then at each other, and then started to laugh... it was just an idea :( ...

"like an amoeba isit???" de went..

"yea, just split into two separate individuals!!"

"amoebas live in water rite?" ... and de said "they are everywhere!".... "being asexual is so sad.. maybe that's why they don't live very long"

"what's their lifespan like?"

"short... i think they are some form of parasite... give no benefit one!"

may went "not simbiotic meh? or... what's the other type?? parasite, simbiotic, and... what's the other one???"

"dunno le"... looks like all of us have return what little science knowledge we gained form high school...

my most-of-the-time-very-wise friends can sometimes be sooooooo farni.... in just 3 minutes, amoebas become parasites which have short live span and lives everywhere! (all unsupported... have yet to find time to google on them amoebas...) maybe when i get back from china.

or would any science ppl out there care to enlighten us??

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