Wednesday, March 28, 2007

big metal bird gone!?

once upon a time, the authorities decided that building a big metal bird and placing some big metal palm trees together with some benches and an "amphitheatre" would somehow enhance the roundabout aesthetically...

it was completed. and as expected, none of the residents of this very busy suburb is going to sit next to the roundabout, inhale tonnes of carbon monoxide and look at the metal palm trees not swaying in the wind. especially since the nearby "amphitheatre" was rumoured to be housing some druggies...

a few months after, the whole area was cordon off... i think the big metal bird which had costs the taxpayers millions (don't have the exact figure)... has disappeared! don't know what else the authorities' relatives are selling... i suppose what will appear next will be yet another round of suprise... and more white elephants?

and again, i wouldn't protest... but would just vent my frustrations here...


UjinYee said...

Robobird is gone?? Awwww....
You know, I know. Another classic example of power and money clouding judgement.

Money would be better spent if they were to install a robo-laser gun to zap every nitwit that uses the roundabout without indicator lights. Hah!

Unknown said...

hmm never was in the area often enough to realize the tin bird had flown the coop. yay PC is bloggin again.