Sunday, March 04, 2007

being single...

... is not so bad mar... ~ was at a gathering today... jason asked "what's so bad about being single??".... nothing ar. there is nothing bad about being single. as a matter of fact, it has it advantages. for one, your emotions are totally within your control. does not correlate with anybody else's mood... doesn't depend on whether you are pissed of at someone or if someone is pissed off at you!

but i suppose nobody consciously strive to remain single! afterall, the ups and downs can be quite fun..? i suppose being constantly happy can be alittle boring. afterall life's short... play hard... "nike"

p/s: we should always recognise the ppl who invests alot in advertisements. good advertisements.


Anonymous said...

Yea I agree with you, no one strives consciously to 'be' single. And some would probably not be striving consciously to NOT be single as well.
If it happens, wonderful, it does.
If it doesnt but you've given it a shot, bravo at least you gave it a shot.
If it doesnt coz you didnt take a shot, well, tough luck.
Best part is, once you're not single, there are times when you can choose to be single, coz i believe your singleton doesnt need to leave u when u become a double. (well, maybe 1/4 of it).
But, being single aint bad, it's just different.

pohchin said...

kakakakak.... so farni!! but wise...

Anonymous said...

girl..totally agreed with the fact that one have more control over one's own emotions being single, coz u won't hv someone to constantly remind u that u hv stepped out of line!!

Anonymous said...

Life has no guarantees. Life has its pros and cons. Life sometimes sucks, but it is sometimes great. Life is one hell of a ride. Most importantly, you only live once in life so cherish it and stop fretting about being single or double.... or triple!

pohchin said...

ok.. not fretting..who's the last anonymous ar?? can u all use "other" when leaving comments ka?? and then leave name???