Sunday, November 05, 2023

everybody judges

i had thought i was judgy. i was listening to some very candid comments from a group of friends. and i realized that everybody judges. just that some are more vocal than others. it seems everybody also think they are right. only there is no right or wrong. it is right from the person's perspective. it is right based on the person's experience.

for example... someone older, who has children of their own would be able to relate better to a parent. and would advise others to spend time with their parents. 

somebody younger, with no children of their own, who has a parent who sacrificed their dreams for the sake of the family (and made sure the family is aware of their sacrifices) may prefer to strive hard for their own career. 

a man with his own family would be more protective of his father.

a woman may be able to empathize better with her mother. 

and of course, whoever agrees with you is smart! ><

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