Friday, July 17, 2009

rat race.... let's take another look

a few years back, i was running up the many flights of stairs, together with many others, up a building where we have all heard of cheeseland...

at every level there is an exit... to the unknown. and one day, i decided to have a peek.

well, it has been four and a half years since that peek. i have learnt alot from all that has happened. no regrets whatsoever.

however, i have also learnt why so many run up the stairs. it is for the certainty. the certainty that you are going somewhere. as oppose to being in one place for a long long time. with no certainty that we would get anywhere. even if there is no doubt on capability. limited by current "dimensions".

so, let's relook at climbing those stairs. looking for ladders. looking at options.

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