Sunday, March 16, 2008

still very sore...

"a little bit" is an understatement...

it seems that the defeated in the recent general elections were openly sore in the very beginning, with the exception of Koh who retreated in a very dignified manner. then there was a change! they have acquired some PR skills. They assumed the same strategy as Koh and accepted defeat (supposedly). Many of the defeated was protrayed in the media as graciously accepting defeat and then vowing to be effective watchdogs.

it seems they have finally figured out that the loss is definite and that there is nothing one can do till 4 years later. and till then, they will strive to make life hell for the winners.

i think we have to stand by our choice. that does not mean we don't question. but we question base on what we see with our own eyes. we should not trust local media. we should not trust the sms-es we receive. we should not panic when the share market falls (afterall, it is known to over-react)... what when half of it is probably owned by the defeated or their cronies.

we should stand by our choice. give it a chance. changes to not happened overnight. some had 50 years to make changes. look where they have brought us. i say help them help us. highlight issues. provide suggested solutions. in light of all the news things which need to be managed, i think they need all the help they can get.

it seems the local media is keen to stoke racial tension. in the guise of responsible reporting? (if they know the meaning of those words)... "the half truth, the manipulation and nothing like the truth" is probably their motto.

the possibility of not practicing NEP... which is known to be a sensitive issue. should be reported better. if they are responsible they would know it can possibly stoke racial tension (if not for the very educated people in the affected places). so, if they were reporting responsibly, they should provide a clearer background - what NEP comprise of, which part of NEP would not be practised, how these practices would be phased out, what are the pros and cons, what the people think, etc.

local media.... SIGH

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