Thursday, March 27, 2008

where have you been?

Part 1 by
i'm Jason - the thirtysomething who doesnt give a f#*k

Things in LIFE you’ve missed… recently…

or have not picked up…

or even worse...

..have not heard of.

Steve Aoki @ Zouk – Cause the party was rocking it made me feel like I was 21 again.

Lomography – whats photography without lomo?

Collecting Records – Its shows that you care and that you’re not a cheapskate pirate stuffing your iPod.

The Beach – its not a club dumbass. White sandy beaches, soaking in the sun, the warm breeze. EVERYONE needs it.

Sneakers – Vintage, Collaborations, Limited Eds. Time to get it cause you’re not getting any younger.

Vinyl Toys – they’re not gay. Cricket is gay. Rugby is gay. Vinyl toys rock.

Nu Rave, Electro breaks & Electro Clash – nothing beats bootlegs from the 70s, 80s and 90s with that electronic edge! Get with it!

Don’t get it?

I say.. stop being pretentious. Stop acting your age. Do whatever you feel makes you happy or satisfies your soul. Why give in to your peers and be so influenced and driven by your career… cause if you do.. you’d end up like my uncle Steven. You see.. my uncle Steven is rich.. so rich he didn’t have the time to get married. Now he’s old and alone…sad.

My point?

Well.. I often ponder and amaze in wonderment… how people can be so ignorant to amazing things in life that they tend to twiddle by looking contented, telling everyone they’re contented and thinking they’re contented but in the end.. they just not… so what do they do? They complain. Why they complain? That’s easy.
All my blabber would sum up to – Passion.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

nice cool breeze

this morning, at approx 130am, hopped into may's car, wound down the window, felt the cool cool breeze in my face, smelled the fresh fresh air... at that moment, felt hope. for what? i don't know. but i was sure it was hope. and certainty that everything is going to be alrite.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

young chikus

"wah... young ppl nowadays very confident and less willing to listen to seniors (not old ppl, but ppl more senior than them in a company!)... they have been exposed to more things and seem to know everything!

i suppose then it is very obvious that those are the young chikus. because old farts would know better than to "shine" too soon. sometimes, it is just better to lay low and keep a low profile. recce the scene before doing anything too outstanding. afterall, it is better to go for sustainable "shine" than to "shine" awhile then kena "shoot to death" by the other old-er farts.

anyways, another friend's input was that young chikus probably have no idea how much they do not know! and so, will tend to be a bit more confident than the ones which have been shot.

then again, there are some chikus out there which are rightfully confident! the amount of stuff they know!!! it's amazing. i suppose attributable to google....

anybody wanna share stories?? young chikus joining them? any young chikus wanna share stories about how insecure the old-er farts seem to be? :)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

still very sore...

"a little bit" is an understatement...

it seems that the defeated in the recent general elections were openly sore in the very beginning, with the exception of Koh who retreated in a very dignified manner. then there was a change! they have acquired some PR skills. They assumed the same strategy as Koh and accepted defeat (supposedly). Many of the defeated was protrayed in the media as graciously accepting defeat and then vowing to be effective watchdogs.

it seems they have finally figured out that the loss is definite and that there is nothing one can do till 4 years later. and till then, they will strive to make life hell for the winners.

i think we have to stand by our choice. that does not mean we don't question. but we question base on what we see with our own eyes. we should not trust local media. we should not trust the sms-es we receive. we should not panic when the share market falls (afterall, it is known to over-react)... what when half of it is probably owned by the defeated or their cronies.

we should stand by our choice. give it a chance. changes to not happened overnight. some had 50 years to make changes. look where they have brought us. i say help them help us. highlight issues. provide suggested solutions. in light of all the news things which need to be managed, i think they need all the help they can get.

it seems the local media is keen to stoke racial tension. in the guise of responsible reporting? (if they know the meaning of those words)... "the half truth, the manipulation and nothing like the truth" is probably their motto.

the possibility of not practicing NEP... which is known to be a sensitive issue. should be reported better. if they are responsible they would know it can possibly stoke racial tension (if not for the very educated people in the affected places). so, if they were reporting responsibly, they should provide a clearer background - what NEP comprise of, which part of NEP would not be practised, how these practices would be phased out, what are the pros and cons, what the people think, etc.

local media.... SIGH

still a little bit sore...

who are the trouble makers?

local media... i have nothing to say...

Monday, March 10, 2008

live from old town kopitiam...

we are sitting here in old town kopitiam, doing a post mortem on the elections...

watching the broadcast of elections results was an interesting experience. results which were favourable to the parties which probably owned the tv station was announced first. unfavourable results were not released till much later.

the commentators... they are another joke. their comment was that areas where the opposition parties won, are areas where there were substantial number of voters who did not turn up. these commentators further said that these are probably people who are confident that the ruling party would win, and therefore decided to stay home and not vote!!!

it seems certain people "tak insaf"... as a matter of fact, "bertambah angkuh"...*sigh*

as far as i know, i have heard ,first hand, from a number of civil servants that they would not be able to vote for opposition because there is a serial number on the ballot paper. and they do not wish to jeopardise their chances for promotion. which made me think... could the opposition have won by a bigger majority?

what is a serial number doing on the ballot paper anyway?? isn't there a better way to prevent phantom voters???

thepapers again have sided certain parties. apparently selangor "fell" to opposition. i say, selangor was "won over"... but who can blame newpapers when i heard they have licenses which are renewable yearly!!?

i think those who said "we are shocked!" or "we didn't know what happened..?!!" ... are stupid. afterall, big changes like these are hardly ever sudden. if the person has been doing his/ her job, the signals would have been there. they would have been forewarned. they would know that this is coming. obviously, then, somebody's not doing his/ her job.

then newspapers were also hinting that there might be re-allocation of funds which were originally allocated for states now ruled by the opposition. is that a threat? well, i think the rakyat is done being bullied. we will just have to standby our voted representatives and help them help us!

It was said that the uneducated ones in the kampungs in sabah & sarawak were bought at the price of RM50 (and that is quite cheap.. RM50 for 4 years of exploit of states so rich with natural resources!!), the rakyat is sure that with mismanagement, these resources will soon be squandered.

i suppose the internet played a major role in this election. what next? do you think the govt will ban that?? of course if they were to do a self evaluation, they will realise that they are the very reason why this change took place.

many victims of the elections have displayed "sore loser" traits...

with the exception of Koh Tsu Koon... who appeared to have retreated like a gentleman and some sense of dignity.

generally, we are all very happy to note that democracy is healthy and alive... to a certain extent.

if anybody says "saya pantang dicabar", my wise friend, hy, replies "baik balik rumah"!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


how is it like?

to be married?

for the unmarried, how do you envision it to be? married life?

a good guy friend said " erm, less hair, more tummy, milk stained shirt...."!!

"oh, i've always been a homely guy. but must keep somtime open for friends la. kenot 100% family, wife and kids. no friend kenot la."

do u think u'll laugh more? do u think u'll be more lovey? how do u think it'll be diff?

"dunno leh. depends on the kid's character. I might enjoy father hood, or i may become a grouch. who knows. kids can be devil incarnate if they want to."

what if no kids? will u think about adopting?

"if no kids, then it's wife and me. i suppose we'll need to keep spicing things up. must have personal interests and common interests loh. i'm not sure if i'm the adopting kind. i'd rather settle for a dog."

will there be ill feelings? if no kids? blame each other kinda thing? u think?

"can't blame God's will. but can try to get professional help. who knows, maybe been doing it wrong, rite?!"

another victim of my interrogation said...

"no, i wont stay at home more."

but got kids? then how? babysitter?

"yup.....that's the trend now"

so not much diff from if single?

"even u r married with kids....i believe u need a life of ur own as well

more lovey dovey? still like dating? do u think u'll need more space instead??

"nope.....worse, if have kids ur love will be devoted to the kids oredi. no more between u n ur partner... a couple definitely need private space besides kids

so u'll set aside time to be just u and him?

"if not the relationship gets distance"

if no babies how? will u adopt?

"no... will eventually come long term... no dogs too (if no babies)"


"as company.. also entertainment at times!! hahahaahhaha"

ic ic :)

a married friend said...

"apple and durian"

???more interesting? more secure? what talking u?

"mmphh... none of the above. I mean cannot compare single life with married life... it's like apple and durian. Apple is single life. it's predictable. sweet on outside and sometimes inside. if sour inside... from outside cannot tell. will still look sweet. as for durian, it's thorny... but harmless. it's tough when you see it. once you open it.. it's where you enjoy it. but marriage... everyday you have to open the durian."


"and have to touch a few thorns... then only enjoy the fruit. everyday there will be challenges. thorns are challenges. especially when you have kids. cause it's no longer about you. it's always about the daughters, when they are sick, the visiting in laws, own parents.... etc. different career path. no time for each other. different priorities. different way of bringing up kids...etc... but once you overcome that... you get to taste the durian. but you can't taste the durian without hurting yourself before opening the it?"

i think so... no more time for u and partner?

"oh yes... definitely no more time... if you make time for your partner.. you will feel guilty"

wouldn't it be like a business liao? friends would have time for each other... then if friends get together and do business together, they probably have less time to do stuff like before... but both will be working towards a business objective, but doing different roles or handling different projects... but not as fun as when they were just going for mamaks??

"mmphhh.. yes, if you put it that way. cause once you 'entered' the business, you have no choice but to make it right... it comes naturally to make it right... the expense of each other. it's like... this time I sacrifice.. the next will be your turn"

actual is different from how it is envisioned to be? looks like getting married is like setting up a business... partnership. employees are the kids. which you have to invest in. it seems that husband and wife will work on different roles, quite independently... to achieve financial goals?? (in asia, it seems like that is the main goal)...

your tots?

make sense wor...

not nuts about this guy. but he's got all the right points.

Monday, March 03, 2008

independent news?

whatever happened to that? i have just read thepapers this morning. and i am utterly disgusted at the manner in which the daily blatantly supports a particular party... during the campaigning period!!! it does not take a genius to figure out who owns the daily. whatever happened to independent news reporting. makes you think... can u believe in what you read in the papers anymore??? or it's just a brainwashing tool...? (duh)

i suppose i stopped believing the papers long long time ago. however, due to lack of a good alternative, one can only read the papers and try to figure out what they are trying to distract you from. when the papers talk about a whole new scandal, you have got to look back and see if the previous one was resolved. if not, there is probably a politician involved. then if there are rumours being highlighted in the papers, they are probably slowly easing the idea into your head. so that when the truth is admitted, you don't reel in shock and/or disgust.

if it is not the abovementioned, then they might just be trying to brainwash you to think what they want you to believe.

makes reading the papers alot more challenging, don't you think?

Saturday, March 01, 2008

environmental disaster

is what the campaigning process has been reduced to. the amount of posters printed on material which i can only hope is re-cycleable is unbelieveable! where do they get all that money?? (duh)

i wonder where are all these people all those years before election? why can't they make their appearance earlier? start serving the people (if that is their real intention) earlier?

if i am serious about being a candidate and making politics my career, if i am serious about serving the people and the country, i suppose i would have "mingled" earlier. started helping the people earlier (no matter how small the deed). make known my stand on the many issues much earlier. people are not blind.

the money going to the posters could have been more wisely spent. imagine winning the seat without a single poster?! imagine winning because the people have faith in you and your ability to lead. imagine winning because the people want you to win and not because they have no other choice!? what an honour that would be...

i think it is sad if on election day, votes are casted due to the number of posters hanging on the trees. if people standing in the booth don't have a single clue who the people listed on the paper are. if casting is done at the toss of a coin...