age is catching up fast...
we use to want to go to clubs where the "cool" people are... that would be where the older people hang out. "jump" was for 21 years and above. and we were denied entry!
now... we want to go to clubs where the "kids" don't hang out....
i guess that makes us the "cool" people??!!
Yea...I super so want to go to retro but I know (and Yean does too) that when I get there at 11.30pm, I'll yawn and say I wanna go home!
I guess that's cool!
I guess it is normal to feel that way. when we were in school we wanted to work.. now that we are working.. wish we were still in school.. Love clubbing.. but its hard to organise a party and have everyone come.. Nowadays.. a get together means.. someone's getting married.. well thats life and ageing going hand in hand..
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