Sunday, November 13, 2022


recently i met up with a childhood friend. she is married with three teenage children. i asked her, what has she been up to? she says she does nothing. as in she is not working. she is just a housewife. 

i think any man who would allow his life partner to ever feel like she what she contributes to the relationship is "less" in any way, do not deserve to be called a partner. this feeling would have placed the working partner at an "advantage". however, a true partner would not be manipulating his other half. a true partner would ensure the other half feels valued... that her contribution is equal, if not more valuable. only in this form of partnership, there will be synergy. 

in any other form, where one mostly takes, and one mostly gives, especially if the one giving is not acknowledged - there is usually resentment. and this form of relationship may be called partnership when in fact, it can only be toxic. unfortunately, this is more common, at least in southeast asia. i suppose it might be the effects of role modelling - children following in the footsteps of their parents. only very few escape this cycle. 

hence, the previous post. 

with synergy, support and acknowledgement, the answer would have been (with pride) "i am happily married with three beautiful teenage children and my time is spent taking care of my family"... or something to that effect.

* not sure if this is applicable if the man is a househusband. men are brought up differently. and i do not have enough househusbands to have a conversation with. any househusbands want to share? 


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