Wednesday, November 16, 2022

i need more I in my DISC

yesterday was interesting. i witness, first hand, how somebody who is trying to make it work motivated another person to want to work on something together. not saying no, saying how can we make it work. to build something with this person. this person was a DI (in DISC).

then another person comes along. was very honest and factual. totally demolished the motivation. the person was basically saying "you are already lucky", "you have enough for your necessities" and "you will not be getting more". there goes the motivation to truly build anything. this person was a CD (in DISC).

i am a CD... i need to get some I in me.

to crypto or not to crypto - part 3

so now we have a crypto saga... some dude who owns one of the largest crypto exchanges turns out to be a fraud. so here we have the 2008 crisis once again. it is the equivalent of having one of the most established investment banks collapse. not saying that this exchange is a gazillion years old. just saying that it is one of the significant players in the infrastructure for crypto currencies. 

does that mean crypto currency would lose value? 

well... to answer that question, you have to ask yourself, do we still require an alternative to fiat currencies?

in 2008, the fact that an investment bank collapse does not mean property is a bad asset class. it means the people who give out loans for properties should be selective. loans should be given out to people who are able to repay. it means that banker should not sell the risky loans to retirement funds by getting the rating agencies to say they are non risky loans. it means that government should not have bailed bad investment banks for making bad decisions without stating the clear criteria for bail out - ie they should not pay themselves shitload of money for f*cking up.

so, today, the fact that a fraudster caused the exchange to collapse does not mean all crypto currencies are worthless. it means (hopefully), that once the root cause of the collapse has been identified, that it would be prevented from happening again. it means (hopefully), that the other affected exchanges, if they survive, would have controls in place to prevent the same from happening again. it means (hopefully) that the worthless coins that may not be able to hold its worth would go away... at least for awhile.

but i suppose that is just history repeating itself. it always start off with the right intention. somebody want to enable something wonderful. then greed kicks in. someone figured out how to work the system. gets everybody into trouble. people wake up and learn from the mess. comes up with controls. it is peaceful for awhile and then greed kicks in again. and history repeats itself in different forms. nothing new really.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Love this flash mob



recently i met up with a childhood friend. she is married with three teenage children. i asked her, what has she been up to? she says she does nothing. as in she is not working. she is just a housewife. 

i think any man who would allow his life partner to ever feel like she what she contributes to the relationship is "less" in any way, do not deserve to be called a partner. this feeling would have placed the working partner at an "advantage". however, a true partner would not be manipulating his other half. a true partner would ensure the other half feels valued... that her contribution is equal, if not more valuable. only in this form of partnership, there will be synergy. 

in any other form, where one mostly takes, and one mostly gives, especially if the one giving is not acknowledged - there is usually resentment. and this form of relationship may be called partnership when in fact, it can only be toxic. unfortunately, this is more common, at least in southeast asia. i suppose it might be the effects of role modelling - children following in the footsteps of their parents. only very few escape this cycle. 

hence, the previous post. 

with synergy, support and acknowledgement, the answer would have been (with pride) "i am happily married with three beautiful teenage children and my time is spent taking care of my family"... or something to that effect.

* not sure if this is applicable if the man is a househusband. men are brought up differently. and i do not have enough househusbands to have a conversation with. any househusbands want to share? 


would you re-marry?

a survey performed yielded interesting results that i need to document...

so, i asked a bunch of ladies whose spouse has passed, if they would re-marry should the opportunity arise? the answer - no. they are open to dating, but not to re-marry. 

a similar surveys of the uncles yielded a different result - resounding yes! the younger the better!!

the result is telling.  

** applicable only in klang valley, malaysia (at this point in time!)


Saturday, November 12, 2022

same same

when everything that is inconsequential is stripped away. when nobody wears a masks. when people are being honest.

we will find that we are all the same. we have the same wants. same fears. same impulses.

just different extent.

we are so same, it is crazy.

and when we finally realize it, there is a little bit of freedom in that.


this group of amazing people were having a healthy debate on a topic very important to many. simply because topic pertains to freedom to many people. freedom is multi faceted. free from slaving away for something that is of perceived value. free from perceived incompetency. free from perception of other groups of people. 

and out comes a comment that mongers fear. 

sad to say, the country where i am from, the people have been trained to fear. not to talk about "sensitive" topics. why? 

again, control. government control when the people are ignorant. not talking means not understanding. not understanding allows control.

fear, ignorance, not understanding... breeds groups of people who are craves stability, who think themselves not good enough without protection, who are divided and therefore, can be conquered.

after all, if one do not need stability, one might want change. if one do not require protection, what is the role of those who "govern"? if people are not divided, how do you control?

see herd mentality - August 2022

Monday, November 07, 2022

to cypto or not to crypto - part 2

i have just attended a crypto investor programme with Equities Tracker and am now bona fide bitcoin expert... i hope > <

so, let's test me. i welcome any question on the subject!! 

a friend did ask - where did bitcoin's value come from? 

this line of questioning is probably best done in person as different people have different perspectives. but i will attempt it anyway. so, where do any of the fiat currency's value come from? it comes from its ability to serve as money. what is money? money is something that would be durable, portable, divisible, uniform, limited in supply (hence ability to store value) and acceptability. why would you accept the US dollar but not the venezuelan bolivar as payment. it is because the venezuelan bolivar is not limited in supply (hence unable to store value). then again, the US dollar is not limited in supply. as a matter of fact, then US has been printing money irresponsibly - resulting in a worldwide inflation. so US dollar's value is simply attributable too many people are holding US dollar and may not (at this point) want to see it fail - and not its ability to serve as money. Its value lies, currently, in its acceptability.  

so, bitcoin - durable and portable as it lives on the internet, divisible up to 8 decimals (a.k.a 1 satoshi), uniform, limited in supply to a maximum of 21million BTC scheduled to be mined by 2140 and acceptability has been growing, evidenced by the growing infrastructure that support BTC. 

then why do the governments and the banks discredit the coin and say it is a scam? 


governments and banks have been the centralized authority for money all this time. they decide how much money to print (and in effect, how much and when to rob the people). with bitcoin, it is decentralized. no one party is able to control bitcoin. there is this fear of the loss of control and therefore, governments and banks have attempted to discredit bitcoin. that is, until they are ready with their version of "crypto currency". at least that is what they are going to try to get people to believe. they are going to try to get people to believe that their digital money is crypto currency - when in fact it is a world of difference. 

before buying any crypto currency - read the white paper. because there would be no authority for you to go cry to should you find your money missing and if it is missing - it is probably because you were careless with your passwords or you were not aware of the terms already stated to you on the white paper. before buying any "crypto currency" from the banks or governments - check the headlines for what they used to say about bitcoin. if they claim it wouldn't work before, why would they now have their version of the same? people do have very short term memory. thanks to branding, we choose to believe the banks although they have lied to the people over and over again. 

why would the bitcoin price fluctuate this way if it was of value?

well, it is currently finding its equilibrium. being new (and growing), its value is still uncertain because there are skeptics and there are many powerful people who would prefer if it does not exist. but if you believe that the existing monetary system is not working and that there is value in bitcoin, then if you are a value investor, you would realize that this is a value-price divergence. and it is a huge divergence. as bitcoin is not an equity, it is closer to a form of money and so, more like forex than stocks, there is no secondary value (correction for my previous post). its eventual value would depend on how widely it is accepted. the current valuation fluctuates as such because the number of people trading on it is relatively small. as the institutions are currently obviously preparing to battle bitcoin with their own "crypto" (and scam the people - again) and probably have already secured bitcoin for themselves, the subsequent waves would be interesting. 

there are so many coins out there. how do i know which coin to invest in?

similar to stocks - there are so many companies out there, how do i know which one to invest in? do your own research. find your own country's Equities Tracker. look for research that would provide you with facts. read the white papers. 

On another note, the subconscious mind is so powerful. Uncle Jimmy's words has really gone into my head and obviously, deeply ingrained in his sons'. He found a way to manage through investments and i definitely believe in value investing. Uncle Jimmy has always been all about power to the people. and supporting bitcoin is all about power to the people. his sons are perpetuating his legacy -  which is pretty cool.