Tuesday, April 28, 2009

is it meant to be?

hmm... what should i have for dinner tonight? .... maybe fishball noodles. i drove there, and behold!! a parking spot right in front of the shop!! i am meant to be eating fishball noodles tonight!!

have you heard of stories where people who are not very ambitious and not very smart make it good in life. and the story was, they were lucky! somebody approached them, they happen to be at the right place, at the right time!

the chinese also have a saying.. if it's yours, it'll be yours... if it's not yours, it will never be yours...

what do you think? is it true? if it is full of obstacles, then maybe it's not meant to be? that things should never be that difficult? that if it is difficult, then maybe it's not meant to be?

if something is meant to happen, does it mean everything will just fall into place?

if it's not meant to be, and you fight for it, will it succeed for a short while, then fall apart again because it was not meant to be?

is this considered as leading you to the answer? :) ... ok, i shall stop leading you. what do you think? is there such thing as fate and is it pointless to fight it? ... that's leading again!!

do you believe that somethings are meant to be, and some things are not?

1 comment:

pohchin said...

somebody just told me it's takdir for certain things :
1) jodoh
2) rezeki
3) when one will die
4) where one will be buried