Saturday, October 11, 2008

what is love?

according to kenny who watched "dog fell in love with cat" (!!), love is...

when cat like flowers, dog will pick flowers from garden for cat

when cat like to eat chicken drumstick, dog will feel sad if cat don't get to eat chicken drumstick

dog will feel sad when cat is bored and lonely

... so simple.


Anonymous said...

Isn’t that simple????

The journey of life is strange….. The cycle of love is unbearable at times but just for that moment in life, you thought….hey…I have it now!....but for how long…

When we were in our early twenties, love is interesting…we pursue perfection…
They look good from far .... 5 good facial points, a devilish body, sizzling hair and they smell good…. This relationship will last for…hmmm 12-24 months??? That’s when it was far from good!!! Arguments come and go… then reasons like, hey, I’m a turbo car and am living my life on the fast lane and you are slow, always keeping on the left lane… please catch up..if not, I think we should break up… OR its like, you are not paying enough attention to me !!!!...what is enough? Full tank? Half full? Or enough to make the car move???

Then life will move on and the search will continue… the reality is fun…at least for a while when we could do our own stuff… as time flies, we realize that ( usually during holidays ) hey… life is boring, nothing much to do…everyone else is attached…
This emotional rollercoaster ride will pressure us to search for the “right one”…at the fastest time ever… every tom, dick and harry will become a target….

That’s when the mid twenties love cycle will surface…. Overall package must be ok….should be fine in the eyes of friends… showers of dinners, gifts and holidays will come like the tsunamis… This must the Right partner… one will think, the previous one was a disaster because of bla…bla…bla… but is it????

In Cantonese, there is a saying… yan bei yan, bei sei yan… conflicts arises when we compare our exs…. Hey, you know my ex use to be so good when she dances…..hey, my boyfriend used to be such a great kisser and you are not… the list is so long… and then we think – is this what we want in life? Then our lives will turn sour…we dun talk that much anymore, we begin to see other “new friends”… this will be another SOD. Whoever issues the final statement is the bad partner…. This will keep on until either one have a new partner or it results in a big bang… sigh..sigh… and its no good sight.. All the mother and father will come out.. brother and sister and so on…

That’s when we will go all out and drain ourselves physically and emotionally… play max, drink max, sleep max, eat max.… when we talk also damn proud….

Enough said…. So much to share… will continue later….

Anonymous said...

but that applies to cats and dogs plus kenny only...if it's so easy....too simple.....dun believe...


Anonymous said...

wah...ini kena target betui-betui... mesti fight back..