Monday, May 12, 2008


was just talking to M and she had this cute little analogy which i just have to blog about. apparently, if we were all cars, M would be the one without tinting; D would be the one with Vkool and I am suppose to be with Vkool with reflection!! (is there such a grade of Vkool??!!)


super farni my darling friends. i suppose if there is any goss i am not sharing, it would be for a very good reason?? factors to consider might include impact if any?, the smug look my darlingest friends have if they are told they are right?!, etc

anyways, a very entertaining analogy....

i wonder if sel has given birth???


Anonymous said...

i think friends who are right should not be denied their rights to smug:)


Anonymous said...

maybe there should be a new category .... ie: cars with sunshades (reflecting or otherwise)?

Unknown said...

in actual fact, there is 2 variants of v-kool ... the one tat passes inspection and the one that does not. and apparently airkool has many other variants which reflects as well...

I will be 'tinted' soon enough..