a was bitching about how racial discrimination in the country is getting worse and how one race's apathetic nature contributes to the situation, etc etc... when a very wise friend gave me a whole new perspective...
1. may 13 was engineered by a few people to enable the implementation of policies to close the wealth gap
2. only selected group really benefit from the scheme
3. may 13's purpose was also to create fear... to make it a "sensitive" issue... so that no one talks about it... no one understands it.... and so, nobody can do anything about it
4. the idea that one race was making all the money was planted into the another race's mind... the idea that the latter race is benefiting from the policies implemented is planted into the former race's mind... but look at rural areas... is the latter race really benefiting?
if the plan is not working after so many years, why isn't it abolished yet? is a balance ever going to be achieved?
5. if it's not abolished and if the balance is not achieved after so many years... why not? if the plan is good does that not mean implementation is not done well? who is accountable? why isn't the person held responsible? should another person maybe be elected to make it happen? why not change leadership then?
what say you? make sense? isn't it interesting? a whole new perspective~
i guess sometimes, we can't look at the things certain parties want us to look at. look beyond. at the big picture. all are being manipulated for the benefit of a selected few.
Even though i dont think the idea is categorized as new pespective, i do agree on what you wrote. Make it happen.. :)
you've just taken the red pill... welcome to the reality :) visit www.malaysia-today.net and see the veil revealed.
I haven't been in Malaysia for some time. How is it getting worse?
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