just watched an fb post. mindblown.
somebody decided it was smart to place elon musk in a "debate" with jack ma. in a room full of chinese audience. it totally crushed jack ma.
it was disappointing. i did not really know much about jack ma prior to this fb post. after this fb post, i am convince he is full of fluff. contradicted himself during the event. grasping and denying without a strong basis. this much is certain, one of his plans include exploitation of education industry.
elon musk on the other hand, a league of his own. there is only one issue. he is unable to slow his thoughts down enough, dumb it down enough to verbalize it in a way the audience is able to comprehend.
the audience, based on comments on fb. fair bit of oblivious arse kissers. some objective observers.
learnt alot though. elon has very intense thoughts and made many compelling statements.
humans have existed a long long time. we have not been able to understand ourselves all this time. otherwise, history would not have repeated itself. when AI takes over, we will understand ourselves. this is because it is easier to see than to imagine. seeing AI's future evolution is understanding humans. this is because AI is programmed by humans. unfortunately. humans are flawed. imagine those flaws programmed into something that will not ever expire.
fight for the light of consciousness. interesting advice. need to delve into it. But seems like matrix may be the next movie to rightly predict what is in the horizon.