i have learnt
1 that nobody really wants the truth. most wants to hear the good stuff.
2 to appear positive is a big plus... whether you are or are not really positive...
3 to gain people to your side is easy. just look for their achievements, no matter how small, no matter how inconsequential, no matter how much they were suppose to have achieved that in the first place, and rain praise! (which is why most people find it acceptable to be doing only 40% of what they are suppose to be doing... since expectations are so low)
4 to gain credit for other people's ideas, just listen hard, paraphrase and say the same thing to as many different people as possible and the idea becomes yours.
5 just ask questions. look at the situation and question. no need to follow up. no need to do any real work. just ask as though you are going to do something about it. in meetings of course. that is when you are being watched!
6 say what other people want to hear
7 forward other people's worksheets so people think you did work
8 follow policies quietly and religiously as the management would have thought long and hard before deciding on them and we should trust management (even when they come out with very "interesting" policies after having thought long and hard..??!!! $%#$@#$)
9 work only when the work brings you visibility
10 delegate the rest of the work
any other tips for all those running the race?